Thursday, August 6, 2009


P-A-R-R-E-Y. Solving the “Jumble” puzzle in the newspaper is a nightly habit of mine. This was the last word in the scrambled word game, and I was stuck. I asked Bud, my husband, for help. After looking at it for several minutes, he shook his head and handed it back to me. I looked at it again. Suddenly, it hit me! PRAYER! That was the answer. It IS the answer! God keeps bombarding me with the call to pray.

It started a few weeks ago when the Women’s Ministry Team met to plan for the coming year. As the coordinator, I was prepared with an agenda. I had poster board, sticky notes, pens and pencils ready for the team to record their ideas. I was determined that we would settle on at least two big events that would draw in TOF women. We began brain-storming. The phone rang, and I had to excuse myself for a few minutes. When I came back, everyone was in agreement. They decided we needed to pray about it.

I’ll admit that after everyone had gone, I was a little discouraged. I like action, and I’ve never considered myself a prayer warrior. Sometimes when we say, “Let’s pray about it,” we say it and don’t mean it. But as I went to bed that night I said, “OK, Lord. You’re in charge. You know what the women of our church need, and I’m asking you for your direction and guidance.”

Since then, I’m amazed at the way God has shown me that prayer needs to be the focus of our Women’s Ministry. I was reminded of a book I read long ago, What Happens When Women Pray by Evelyn Christenson. The title of Chapter 1 is “Prayer is the Answer!”

She tells the story of the aging custodian of her church who was experiencing some mild dementia. Her husband, the pastor, found him sweating profusely and struggling to push the vacuum cleaner. The pastor looked down, and there, lying on the floor was the plug. “The dear man had vacuumed the whole auditorium without plugging in the vacuum cleaner! “ She asks, “Isn’t that what happens to us? We work, we pull, we struggle, and we plan until we’re utterly exhausted, but we have forgotten to plug into the source of power. And that source of power is prayer – ‘the effectual, fervent prayer’ of a righteous person avails much. Instead of us following our tiny, tiny plan, God wants to pour out His power upon us. It’s exciting!”

I’m excited! As a child of God and a woman of Trinity, I want you to be excited too! Will you covenant with me and members of the Women’s Ministry team to pray for the Women’s Ministry of TOF? Will you pray about how you can plug in to this ministry? What can we do to make prayer a priority and strengthen our prayer lives? Pray about it. We are waiting for His answer.

To be continued….

Monday, June 8, 2009

May/June Newsletter SponsorPrinted by:
New Horizons Office Services
Linda Buchanan

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Strawberry No-Bake Cheesecake

12 Graham crackers, crushed (2 c. crumbs)
6 Tbsp. margarine, melted
¼ cup, ¾ cup and 2 Tbsp. sugar, divided
4 8 oz pkgs Cream Cheese, softened
½ cup strawberry preserves
2 cups fresh strawberries, mashed
1 tub (8 oz.) Cool Whip Topping, thawed

Mix crumbs, margarine and ¼ cup of the sugar.
Press onto bottom of 13x9 inch pan. Refrigerate.
Beat cheese and ¾ cup sugar until well blended.
Add preserves and mix well.
Mix strawberries with 2 Tbsp. sugar in small bowl.
Stir strawberries, Cool Whip into cheese mixture.
Spoon over crust, refrigerate 4 hours or until firm.
•Clear drain by dropping in 4 tabs, add 1 cup vinegar, wait 15 min., add hot water.
•Clean the commode by dropping in 4 tabs, wait 20 min., swipe with a brush.
•Vases sparkle by dropping in 2 tabs, fill vase with warm water, wait then air dry.
•Soothe insect bites by covering a tab with ½” of water, apply to a bite.
•Clean casserole dishes by distributing 6 tabs, add water, wait 20 min., rinse.
•Place jewelry in a glass of water with two tabs for 5 min., rinse, dry.
Our ministry at Steadfast House continues to be a blessing to the ladies of TOF who are participating. We have had some fun with our visits the last few times by giving manicures, haircuts, neck rubs and pedicures. The ladies at SH have really enjoyed the spa treatment and so have the kids who especially enjoyed getting their fingernails painted! Of course, all are loving the homemade meals we are taking. Many say this is the only home cooking they get. The kids have been enjoying their crafts, games and Bible lessons. These ladies and kids are so in need of love and affirmation during a time when their lives have been turned upside down. If you would like to be a part of demonstrating the love of God you can either go with us or help prepare the meal that we take. Annette Wright is the food coordinator. Contact Becky Lathan if you would like to go with us. We visit every fourth Friday evening of the month.
My name is Audria Hempel and my family and I have been at Trinity for 7 years. My husband is Robin and he is a detective with the Buncombe County Sheriff. We have been blessed with 7 wonderful children. Hannah is 21 and a senior at Appalachian State University where she is majoring in English and will be certified to teach High School. She will be getting married next May to a wonderful Christian man, Ben Heise. Kyle is 15 and is currently home schooled. Ben (13) and Daniel (11) are students at Enka Middle. Erica is 11 and a student at Candler Elementary as well as John (10) and Makenzie (8).
In 2001, I began to feel that we were not doing enough for the Lord so I said a prayer for God to use us in a bigger way in our community. Two weeks later God sent Erica and John to us. They were in need of a new foster home and a family member had contacted us. Three days later they moved in on Easter Sunday. I knew that this was God’s answer to my prayer.
That same year Robin and I chaperoned a youth ski retreat with Kenny and Beth Adcock. We were members of a church in West Asheville, however, it was at the retreat where we experienced the in-filling of the Holy Spirit and our lives were changed. We did not feel free to worship the way we were being led by The Spirit, so over the next year we prayed what God would have us do. Slowly God revealed that we needed to move on and find a fellowship that would encourage our spiritual growth and freedom in Christ. Kenny and Beth had joined Trinity and Kenny was the youth pastor. They invited us to come visit. They knew we would love it and we did. It was just where God wanted us to be. Once I convinced Robin that the 30 minute drive was not so bad and after our second visit, we both knew that God was moving us to TOF.
Also in the same year just a month before joining Trinity, God sent us Makenzie. The children were all released for adoption and our family was complete. Our church family here at Trinity has added so much to our lives. My children have come to know the Lord and our family continues to learn and grow in the Lord. God is good and He always has a plan- Jeremiah 29:11.
God has given us the privilege to provide children with an environment to learn and grow in the knowledge of our Lord. To make this happen, volunteers are needed. Kid’s Korner needs are:
  • Providing snacks
  • Leading scripture memory
  • Preparing snacks
  • Teaching lessons
  • Planning crafts
  • Leading prayer time
  • Leading crafts
  • Crowd control
Some of the work will require being in the FLC during the 11:00am worship and some will be preparation during the week. Are you able to fill one of these roles? Be a part of our children’s future. Contact Pastor Jesse at

FOCUS - Carol Clark
“And Mary treasured these things and pondered them in her heart.”
It may seem strange to begin an article about Carole Clark using this famous verse but for those of you who have read her new book, you will make the connection. Inspiring Faith Through Childlike Stories was written by this mother who pondered and treasured the ways God spoke to her through her children. A ‘must read and pass along’ book that will help us all remember how God uses the innocent viewpoint of children for His praise and glory.
Carole was born and raised in Michigan and arrived in Asheville in 1987 because of her former husband’s job opportunity. She has two children, Brad (23) and Chelsea (19). Brad works for his mom and Chelsea just graduated high school.
Carole met Mike in 2000 when they were both taking dance lessons to learn the Carolina Beach Dance aka The Shag. The two attended Carole’s Presbyterian Church but felt it was not a good fit for them as a couple. As God would have it, Brad went on a youth retreat sponsored by TOF and directed by Kenny Adcock. Brad returned excited saying, “That Church has the truth!” Leisa Jackson had already been inviting the two to attend TOF, so they did. On their first visit they knew they had come “home” and have been with us since 2002.
Carole was an elementary Sunday School teacher and a youth leader at her former Church. At TOF, she has been involved in the prayer ministry and fills in for nursery workers as needed. She has always had a passion for sports especially golf and God began to show her how to use that passion to advance His Kingdom. She became a member of the LPGA and after her certification; she is certified to teach golf to any level of player, but especially enjoys working with junior players and women. She and Mike are involved in Crossfire Ministry which shares Christ through sports such as softball and basketball. They are involved in Athletes International which ministers to professional and collegiate athletes in finding their vision for ministry.
One night Carole was awakened by God and told to resign from her job at The Cliffs. This took quit a bit of faith since He did not tell her what she was to do after she resigned. In 2005, He led her to purchase the Outdoor Family Fun Center in Hendersonville, a facility she had worked at a few years before. She has been able to use this business as a platform for relationship evangelism. OFFC offers a golf driving range, miniature golf, batting cages, pro shop, golf lessons, planned parties and, coming soon, paint ball. To learn more visit the web site at
Carole and Mike have their house in Arden up for sale with the intention of moving closer to Hendersonville, between her business and Mike’s business, Clark’s Tire in Fletcher. They are excited to continue following God’s direction for their lives and watching His plans unfold. Carole leaves us with this thought to ponder: “It is easy to let your passions and gifts become a god. Instead God wants to use your passion and gifts to minister for Him.”

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Great way to stretch your liquid hand soap. Here's How!

What You Need:

* Liquid hand soap
* Water
* Empty foaming soap dispenser
* Measuring spoons

1. Pour one tablespoon of liquid hand soap into an empty foaming soap dispenser.

2. Fill the rest of the dispenser with water (leaving a little space at the top of the container).

3. Screw on the lid and shake.


1. Warm water works best.
2. Pump the dispenser a few times to get the foaming started.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

For those who thought they knew everything...

Most dust particles in your house are made from...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why Eggs Aren't Just for Eating

The egg is a symbol of Easter, and of rebirth, as well as one of our most versatile foods. But it is so much more…

The egg is one of the most versatile items used in cooking, but its list of uses does not really end within the borders of a frying pan.

It can be used in many other activities including arts and crafts, skin care, creation of musical instruments and even gardening. If you have plenty of spare eggs at home, you can try out the some of these cool egg-based items.

Make your life “eggciting” by enjoying the many uses of eggs.

Yolk-Based Facial Cleanser

Egg yolks are rich in Vitamin A, that moisturizes skin and keeps it healthy. Mix a couple of yolks together and add a little water. You’ll get a facial cleanser that helps delay some of the signs of aging.

White-Based Facial Cleanser

The egg white cleanser is a good supplementary material for its yolk-based counterpart. If the yolk facial cleanser prevents skin aging, the egg white cleanser smoothens the skin. It removes the puffiness beneath the eyelids, blurs the pores and makes the skin tighter. You can alternate both facial cleansers nightly for maximum results.


The egg is a natural moisturizer, making it a good ingredient for shampoos. To create egg shampoo, crack an egg and mix the yolk with olive oil and water. You can start using the solution once it lathers. Apply the egg shampoo on damp hair for a few minutes before rinsing. The egg’s fat and nutritional contents will add shine and bounce to your hair. This shampoo is perfect for hair damaged by pollution, chlorine and excessive sunshine.

Food Paint

If you want to add color and style to your pastries, just decorate them with egg yolk-based paint. Prepare the paint by mixing the egg yolk with 2 ml of water. Place the mixture in different containers then add food coloring to each. Now, you can paint cool patterns on your cookies right before baking them. The paint not only adds design, but it also gives your pastries a richer flavor.

Pots for Small Plants

In terms of getting nutrition, small plants often get bullied by weeds and larger plants. To ensure their survival, you can plant them in soil that is half-filled with egg shells . The calcium from the shell will promote the young plant’s growth and keep it healthy. When the plant reaches the height of three inches, you can transfer it to your garden. As for the eggshell, you can use it as a pot for another plant or use it as compost material.

Compost Material

Eggs, being nutritious food products, can provide soil with enough nutrients to make your garden plants healthy. When making compost, simply mix crushed eggshells with the green component. The calcium content of your compost will greatly increase, making the soil richer. Your plants, in turn, will be more robust.

Leather Cleaner

Egg white can be used to clean and restore leather. Its thick and sticky base easily removes dirt from a leather surface, upon scrubbing. The base also forms a protective covering on the leather, that gives the surface luster and some protection from temperature changes. To prepare the cleaning solution, crack two eggs and separate the whites. Place the whites in a bowl and you can start cleaning your leather items.


Egg white is naturally sticky. If you touch it, it will cause your fingers to stick the moment it dries. Try using the egg’s sticky base when mending light items like paper and cardboard. You will notice that it works just like all-purpose glue, with the nearly the same amount of holding power. You can even use egg white to create paper mache paste, if you mix it with flour, water, sugar and alum.

Pest Repellent

Scattering crushed eggshells on the leaves of plants can keep soft-bodied pests away from your plants. Snails and slugs, known as notorious leaf eaters, will hurt their bellies if they run over the jagged corners of crushed eggshells. Once they get hurt, they will move away from your garden as soon as possible.

Musical Instruments

With the current popularity of the acoustic setup, many live acts use egg shakers as percussion instruments during their gigs. You can create an egg shaker by removing the egg’s contents while maintaining its shell intact. Put two teaspoons of uncooked rice or mung beans inside the shell, then cover its opening with tape and superglue. When your egg shaker is ready, you can practice using it with the acoustic guitar. You’ll be amazed at how a small simple-sounding instrument can blend well with the guitar’s music.

Candle Mold

Are you amazed with an egg’s perfect oval shape? Why not make candles using the eggshell as a candle mold. Pour molten candle wax inside an eggshell, then add the wick and a little perfume. When the wax dries, crack the eggshell open. You will find a nice egg-shaped candle to stylize your home or illuminate your room during power outages.

Home Ornaments

From an artistic point of view, the egg’s perfect oval shape is a thing of beauty. You can paint patterns on the eggshell and eventually turn it into a good ornament for your home. Observe your home’s interior. Paint patterns on the eggshell that perfectly suit the theme of your home. Set the painted eggs in a visible corner of your room to wow your guests.

Life Hack. Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cheap Way to Make Room Smell Nice

Don't throw out perfume card samples from magazines or samples from stores. Instead put the card samples (or pour a tad of perfume onto a cotton ball, paper towel or tissue) and place into the bottom of a wastebasket.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Neiman Marcus Cake

1 yellow cake mix
1 stick butter, melted
1 egg well beaten

1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened
2 eggs, well beaten
1 box (16 ounces) powdered sugar
Mix cake mix, butter and 1 egg well and pat into 9 x 13 inch greased dish. Mix cream cheese, 2 eggs and powdered sugar well and spread over first mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Let cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
North Carolina Baptist Children’s Homes April Food Roundup

“Helping hurting children…healing broken families.” That is the mission statement of North Carolina Baptist Children’s Homes. Almost 1500 children in crisis are served by this loving arm of North Carolina Baptists, and this month they need your help. Each April there is a food drive to help fill the plates of the children in the care of these homes, one of which – Broyhill Home – is located in Clyde in our neighboring county. This month our Women’s Ministry would like to ask you to help provide for the needs of BCH’s boys and girls by donating food for their Food Roundup. There’s a long list of needs, but let’s focus on just a few items: pasta, spaghetti sauce, canned tomatoes, cereal, canned fruit and apple sauce. Starting in April, we will have bags available in each adult Sunday School Class and in the foyer by the Women’s Ministry Table to collect these items. Deadline is Sunday, April 28. Thanks for your generosity!
FOCUS— Three Sisters

This month’s focus is on three women. God has blessed TOF by placing three of the Dotson sisters in our Church family. Vera, Linda and Annette grew up just a bit down the road from TOF along with three more sisters and two brothers.

The family is very close and tries to get together once a month and on each other’s birthdays. Sadly, one brother passed away and the other moved to New Mexico but he stays in touch by calling each sister once a week.

Vera is formerly married to Howard Ray and has three sons: Ron, Sam and Tom along with eight grandchildren and one great grandchild. Vera has lived in Texas, Mississippi and Georgia then moved back to the home place in 1991.

Linda is formerly married to D.A. Todd who passed away in 2007. She has two children: Tim and Tammy (Bell) and four grandchildren. Linda has lived in the area and been an active member of TOF for many years.

Annette is married to Gerald Wright and has three children: Sandy (Dalton), Dean and Karen (Jones) along with eight grandchildren and one “great on the way.” Sandy was born in New York State while Gerald was in the military. They returned to Fairview when she was nine months old.

The Dotson family’s spiritual journey started at Tweed’s Chapel, which was Methodist, but the siblings enjoyed visiting Oak Grove Baptist on Sunday evenings for Baptist Training Union. Eventually, Vera, Linda and Annette ended up at TOF and they have had a lot of involvement in the Church over the years. All three have been in the choir and Annette used to play piano.

Vera likes to help Manuel Franquez weed the TOF lawn and volunteers as needed. She is a member of the Singles Sunday School class. Linda likes to volunteer as she is able and appreciates the various social functions at TOF. She reminisced about D.A.’s involvement in starting the Royal Ambassadors and coaching the Church’s basketball team. Annette has recently accepted the position of food coordinator for the monthly visitation at Steadfast House and serves on the Building and Grounds Committee. All three sisters enjoying the trips sponsored by the Joy Seekers.

These sisters are crafty, too. They teach a craft class at the Cane Creek Community Center each first and third Thursday at 10am. Everyone is welcome and the only cost is for materials which is minimal. The three even formed their own Weight Watchers group meeting weekly to support each other in their quest for good health!

When asked what they feel is the most important characteristic of our Church, all three agreed it is the love and friendliness of the people. Annette added that over the 34 years she has attended, she has seen the Church grow from being just another Baptist Church to a Kingdom Church. Vera made this wise observation, “God has a place for all of us and we need to find it.” All three hope that everyone at TOF will be diligent in searching out how God wants each to be involved and are grateful for the opportunities they have enjoyed.

  • Use an egg-slicer to slice small fruit such as strawberries.
  • Use a Ziploc bag to have hands free mixing for such things as meatloaf.
  • When greasing and flouring a pan to bake a chocolate cake, use cocoa powder instead of flour.
  • Rubber dish gloves make great grippers for loosening stubborn jar lids.
“Breath of Life” walk
Asheville Pregnancy Support Services (APSS) will be having a “Breath of Life” walk on April 25th at 10am to raise awareness and support for APSS. There will be live music, inflatables, face-painting, food and snow cones. The plan is for each person to enlist sponsors for his/her own walk. If you are interested in being a part of this fun day and wonderful ministry, please send an e-mail to or call 252-1306. There is a special request: “Please no pets.”
A lthough things are not perfect
B ecause of trial or pain
C ontinue in thanksgiving
D o not begin to blame
E ven when the times are hard
F ierce winds are bound to blow
G od is forever able
H old on to what you know
I magine life without His love
J oy would cease to be
K eep thanking Him for all the things
L ove imparts to thee
M ove out of "Camp Complaining"
N o weapon that is known
O n earth can yield the power
P raise can do alone
Q uit looking at the future
R edeem the time at hand
S tart every day with worship
T o "thank" is a command
U ntil we see Him coming
V ictorious in the sky
W e'll run the race with gratitude
X alting God most high
Y es, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
Z ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!
Vacations on a budget
To learn about house-swapping go to these links for more information:
or just try googling house swap.
Do learn about the pros and cons before agreeing to a house swap.

Monday, March 30, 2009

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Cakes, punch, games, decorations, gifts and a lot of love going around….what more could you want from a birthday party? How about adding support of the Asheville Pregnancy Support Services which is doing its part to make sure that there are a lot more birthdays happening!

The Women’s Ministry welcomed Jill Derrick from APSS who gave an overview of the objectives and successes of the organization. We were pleased to hear that adding the ultrasound service has caused a huge reduction of abortions. It’s true; a picture is worth a thousand words! APSS will be sponsoring a Breath for Life walk 10am, April 25th at Carrier Park and all are invited.

Along with support of the APSS, attendees were challenged to send a red envelope to President Obama in protest of his recent appeal of the abortion restraints initiated by President Bush. Though the mail date was March 31st, you are encouraged to go ahead and send red envelopes to the President. There may be some still on the welcome desk.

Attendance at the party was small - about 25 - but all who were there would agree that the fun and love was really big! And in our book that means it was a huge success! We came away remembering that God loves us and HE celebrates and values our lives!
Hello, my name is Donna Goss. My husband’s name is Conrad and our daughter’s name is Catherine. I have been a member of TOF for about six years now. Some of you may know my sister Murphy Kanupp.

As a child I don’t remember ever really attending Church, though I did have some knowledge of the Bible and who God was. My sisters and brother and I grew up with an unstable home life. We moved around a lot and attended several different schools. Times were very hard for us. My mother was trying to raise the five of us for the most part as a single mother with the help of my grandmother. Things eventually fell apart and we were all separated.

Not long after the separation, I went off to college. My college dorm became my only home. I had the opportunity to occasionally visit different Churches and believed in God, but never gave it too much thought. I just lived my life being unsure of much and doing as I liked.

Even though I was busy going to classes, writing papers, studying for tests and hanging out with friends, I felt pretty alone and empty a lot of the time accept when I could visit with family. I started visiting the Baptist Student Center, but nothing really changed.

Things took a really bad turn when the boy I had been dating for three years became abusive. I guess I was looking for love in all the wrong places. In the midst of the worst part of the breakup with this boy, I met a girl in a campus café who asked if she could sit with me. She talked about her relationship with Jesus. She told me she was a “born again Christian” and I replied “I am also,” but the truth was that I didn’t know what that even meant.

Not long after I graduated college, I met my husband who was divorced with three children. Wow, I had an instant family and I felt very needed. But as time went on, my desire to have my own child only increased. Many years went by and I still did not have a child of my own. I felt a lot of despair. During these years, I wanted to attend Church, but my stepchildren were Catholic and I never felt quite right in the Catholic Church.

My thoughts of God increased and after listening and watching Billy Graham several times I felt energized. I knew God was calling me. When I heard that Billy Graham was going to be in Atlanta, I knew I had to be there and could barely wait. I wanted to be there in person when I asked Jesus for my salvation.

When God became my focus, two years later my daughter was born. Life is not perfect, but I know that God is there for me. He loves me unconditionally. His love is true, never-ending love.
She was born, raised, lived 88 years, died and was buried in Baltimore, MD, but she impacted the world like few women have. Her name is Annie Armstrong. Born to a prominent Baltimore family which had influenced the area for generations prior, the city in turn influenced Annie’s life and work. Living in a port, industrial and railroad city broadened her horizons and facilitated her interest in missions. She started and supported evangelism and needs-based programs for port-workers, sailors, immigrants, Blacks, Native Americans, the sick and the poor especially women and children.
Other influences were her mother who took Annie to Church and missionary meetings, her pastor Richard Fuller who deepened her convictions about living a missionary lifestyle and the new Church start in which she participated. Most importantly, she went from being a Church girl to being born again at the age of twenty. With all of these influences it is interesting that God never called Annie to be a missionary…He had other plans for her.
A turning point in Annie's life came in 1880 after she heard a speech on the destitution of Native Americans in Oklahoma. She and other women organized to gather gifts of money and clothing. This experience germinated into the idea of encouraging women to organize into groups to educate and help the needy….the idea became the seed for the start of the Woman’s Missionary Union.
Missionary Lottie Moon (China), desperate for help, wrote home and encouraged women in the USA to band into formal societies to promote foreign mission work. She asked them to send two women missionaries to her aid. Annie took up the cause with a passion. The seed began to grow into a sprout.
Annie began writing relentlessly to other women’s groups asking for monetary donations. By the goal date in December, enough money had been raised to send not two but three women to China.
In 1888, women from 12 states formed an auxiliary to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Annie was elected Corresponding Secretary. Then in 1890, the name “Woman’s Missionary Union” was adopted ( Now the flower was in full bloom and Annie continued serving as its leader without pay until 1906.
This short article cannot begin to mention the incredible amount of labor and travel that Annie Armstrong performed to support missions in the USA and abroad nor the powerful influence she had over the continuing formation of the SBC ( As a result of her efforts, the Home Mission Offering ( was named in her honor. From the beginning to the end of 2005, giving to the Christmas and Easter offerings has blossomed to nearly $3.7 billion. If you are interested in learning more about her incredible life, google “Annie Armstrong missionary” or visit her profile at The 2009 Home Missions Offering Goal is $65 million. Be a part of this ongoing legacy…give!

Please pray for God's blessing on our April sponsor, who made the newsletter possible:

As well as

New Horizons Office Service
Linda Buchanan

who provided the printing for the April Newsletter.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Please enter your Prayer Requests in the comment section (see below) and they will be sent out to the "Prayer Chain".

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Story of the Clover

One day St Patrick was attempting to explain the difficult concept of the Trinity. He glanced down and at his feet was the humble clover. The beautiful little sprig was perfect for illustrating this doctrine and since then has been honored in Ireland. While Patrick noted the three leaves being part of one sprig (three in one), we can take it a step further by noting that the leaves are heart-shaped representing the love of God and the color is green representing the gift of eternal life.
How ‘bout that Forgiveness?

Forgiveness…such a beautiful word when we think about receiving it. Especially the wonderful forgiveness that God gives to us. But when it comes to giving forgiveness, the beauty of the word seems to fade. We often feel we need time to overcome hurt feelings or scars that run deep. Forgiveness becomes an internal foe with whom we must wrestle until the battle is won or lost. Is it possible to forgive instantly and immediately? Maybe the secret is what Patrick discovered during his lonely exile. That is, to be so close to God that at every moment one is in a state of preparedness to forgive quickly and instantly. The reward for forgiving is joy, peace and the ability to hear the voice of God. The quicker we forgive the sooner we get the reward and that, folks, is worth the struggle! ….Contributed by Laura Weeks
Recipes—Let’s Get Cooking - Karen’s Chili

The following recipe was used to make
chili for the UNCA BSU luncheon on Feb 12th

Karen’s Chili contributed by Amy Summers
• 1 lb ground chuck, browned (drained)
• 1 pkg French’s Chili-O seasoning
• 1 15 oz can crushed tomatoes
• 1 15 oz can diced tomatoes
• 1 15 oz can chili beans (undrained)
• 1 15 oz can kidney beans (undrained)
• 1 15 oz can pinto beans (undrained)
• Cumin is optional (about ¼ tsp)
Combine all ingredients and simmer for 30 minutes.
After tasting, add Salt & pepper if needed.
REMEMBERING— Virginia Parker

Recently, Trinity of Fairview experienced a loss in our Church family. Virginia Parker went on to be with the Lord on February 18, 2009 and leaves behind two daughters, Marsha and Vickie, three grandchildren and one great grandbaby. Virginia was married to Barry, worked for the City of Asheville as Risk Manager and was a member of TOF for a long time. When the Parker family moved to East Flat Rock, they began attending Church in that area. After Barry’s passing about five years ago, Virginia felt a longing to return to Trinity. She didn’t mind the drive to be with her former Church family. Not long after returning she took on the role of Women’s Ministry Leader and filled that role well until she had to retire from it. She loved the women’s Bible studies and attended as her health allowed. When failing health plagued her she withstood the trials as a strong, faithful Christian. We remember her as a gentle and sweet person who will be missed. Memorial gifts can be made to TOF and Bible study material will be purchased in her memory.

Come be a kid again! Join us for the TOF Women’s Birthday Bash on March 21, 2-4pm. This is your invitation to this special celebration of birth. Please RSVP by signing up at our Pink Table in the foyer. There will be games and lots of fun. Tables will be decorated and cakes will be baked with a theme representing each month. We will also be honoring the Asheville Pregnancy Support Services. A collection of Wal-Mart gift cards will be taken up for APSS. This gift is optional. Volunteers are needed to bake cakes and decorate tables. If you are interested in doing either or both, please sign up at the pink table’s easel or contact Laura Dotson at 628-1762 or
FOCUS— Becky Lathan

Becky and her husband Jeff have lived in Fairview for 28 years. Jeff is a life-long resident of Fairview while Becky grew up in Oakley. Both attended Reynolds High School and, on February 6th, celebrated their 28th Anniversary. The Lathans have three daughters: Natasha 26, Alivia 20 and Lillie 18. A wonderful son-in-law Lonnie (married to Natasha), three beautiful granddaughters and one on the way (sex is undetermined but "his" sisters say it's a BOY).

Becky attended the Seventh Day Adventist Church for ten years before coming to T.O.F. seven years ago. She and Jeff are excited to be in the fellowship of people who love the Lord and allow the Spirit of God to move.

Jeff is a self-employed carpenter while Becky was a stay-at-home mom. Now, she has a part-time cleaning business and rents satin chair covers (you may have sat on one at the Valentine's Dinner). She enjoys fishing, quiet time with the Lord, fellowshipping and sharing the love of Jesus with the ladies at Steadfast House. Her greatest desire is to study God's word. She leads a Bible study group here at the Church on Tuesday mornings (not just for women, thanks to Kyle. We love you!). This quarter the group is studying "Believing God" by Beth Moore. "Esther" will be the study for fall. Becky's longing is to do the will of God and for others to "taste and see that the Lord is good!"

UPDATE: Doctors say it IS a boy!!!!!!!
Ministry Report—Lunch for the UNCA BSU

Starting college can be a lonely and frightening experiencing. It is nice to know that a ready-made group of friends is available to newbies on campus. A college freshman armed with the contact information for the Baptist Student Union on his campus will have an instant Christian community upon arrival.

Our local BSU is thriving, active and appreciative of the support given by the local churches. One of the many activities UNCA BSU sponsors is a Thursday luncheon with food provided by local Baptist Churches. TOF ladies had the opportunity to provide chili with all the trimmings for the February 12th lunch.

The two Laura’s (Dotson and Weeks) had the privilege of delivering the food and meeting the Intern, Amber Reeder, the Missions & Outreach Coordinator, Jessica Walton and the Campus Ministers, David and Christin Stone. They were impressed with the spacious house owned by the BSU and the welcome they received. Go to if you would like to learn more about UNCA BSU or Google Baptist Student Union for a nationwide view of the ministry.

A big thank you goes to all of the ladies who participated by making chili and providing other items to create this hearty meal. If you want to participate in such events, call Laura Dotson at 628-1762 and discuss how you would like to be involved. We need ladies with all kinds of talents to make TOF Women’s Ministry a success.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Household Tips
  • No More Mosquitoes . . . Place a dryer sheet in your pocket. It will keep the mosquitoes away.
  • Squirrel Away! To keep squirrels from eating your plants sprinkle your plants with cayenne pepper. The cayenne pepper doesn't hurt the plant and the squirrels won't come near it.
  • Flexible vacuum . . . To get something out of a heat register or under the fridge add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vacuum. It will bend or flatten to get in narrow openings.
  • Reducing Static Cling . . . Pin a small safety pin to the seam of your slip and you will not have a clingy skirt or dress. Same thing works with slacks that cling when wearing panty hose. Place pin in seam of slacks and -- ta da! -- static is gone.

Please pray for God's blessing on our March sponsor, who made the newsletter possible:

Brian Keith, CPA

As well as

New Horizons Office Service
Linda Buchanan

who provided the printing for the March Newsletter.
Looking for a few laughs? Go to
And search for Jeff Allen.

Occupational Hymns
The Dentist's Hymn....Crown Him With Many Crowns
The Weatherman's Hymn.....There Shall Be Showers of Blessing
The Contractor's Hymn.....The Church's One Foundation
The Tailor's Hymn.....Holy, Holy, Holy
The Golfer's Hymn.....There is A Green Hill Far Away
The Politician's Hymn.....Standing on the Promises

Thank you, Men of TOF.

What a great time everyone had at the Banquet. The food was delicious, tables were great looking, and the carnations were a great surprise, mine still looks good! All the men looked great and you guys did a great job of serving. We all felt very special.

Thank You again,
Vera Ray on behalf of the women of TOF
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March Testimony
My name is Roberta Keith. My husband's name is Brian and we have three children: Sarah, Caleb and Noah. I am a new member of TOF and was asked to give a testimony. So, I guess this is a way of saying, Hi, to all of my new family.
Since I was a child, I can remember praying and talking to God. But there came a time when "I did my own thing." I met my wonderful husband and we decided to move from New York to Vermont to raise a family.
I can’t remember how it came about, but I was invited to go to church. I had long before given up on my church, since the pastor there started calling himself the messiah. I decided I would worship God alone and needed no one else and wouldn't trust anyone but God. But for some reason -- (God) -- I decided to accept the invitation. This pastor held his Bible, read the Bible, taught from the Bible. This church was the one for me.
Brian and I were told we would never have children due to inactive sperm. I didn't get depressed but just knew that some day we would. As time went on God kept dealing with me. I did get pregnant but had a miscarriage, my dog died and I was faced with the idea of going to jail for disobeying a court order to change a witness’ testimony (I was a Court Stenographer). It seemed as if my guts would pour out of my skin. I cried, practically, nonstop. It was the very best and the very worst time.
I went to my pastor and told him I wanted to be saved, to be baptized and that I was going to jail because I wasn't going to change the witness’ testimony. We prayed and he suggested that I should obey the authorities but not swear that it was accurate. So, I did just that. I affirmed that “this stenographer does not agree with the attorney's corrections.”
Well, God kept dealing with me, and I couldn't stand my job. God wanted me to rely on Him and my helpmeet. I asked God, “Who is going to provide for the family if I quit?” God's simple answer was Himself and my husband. So, I quit my job and God blessed me with Sarah, my daughter. At three months pregnancy, me and my daughter within, were baptized together.
The Story of Saint Patrick

Just when you think things are going along well and all is right with the world, life can take an unexpected turn. Such was the case with a teenage boy who lived a long time ago. Patrick, born in modern day Cumbria County in Britain, was a person who had to live with just such a turn. Fortunately, he was born into a Christian family, his father being a deacon and his grandfather a priest. It was good thing because he was going to need this faith.
When Patrick was about sixteen, he was captured and carried off as a slave to Ireland. Patrick worked as a herdsman remaining in captivity for six years. He wrote that his faith grew during this time and that he prayed daily…no doubt the key to his ability to forgive his captors.
Near the end of the six years, he heard a voice telling him that he would soon go home then later the voice said his ship was ready…time to go. Fleeing his master, he traveled to a port two hundred miles away where he found a ship and made his way home. By this time he was in his early twenties. So it seems that life returned to normal except God had other plans.
A few years after returning home, Patrick had a vision in which he saw a man named Victoricus coming from Ireland. The man gave a letter to Patrick which stated “The Voice of the Irish” at which time Patrick heard the voice of the people from whom he had escaped calling him to come back to them. Patrick did return to them with forgiveness and love and as they say, the rest is history. His evangelistic work among NW Ireland left a lasting legacy for which the Irish still honor him today.

information derived from two Wikipedia articles.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sarah Hagan's son, Bud, has been diagnosed as "brain dead". I do not know whether or not he has been provided life support. Sarah is currently at Anders Rice Funeral Home making arrangements and we do NOT know for sure whether or not Bud is perhaps now with the LORD. Sarah did not leave details in our voicemail, but did request prayer.

Karyn Franquez
I need to ask for an immediate prayer request. My co-worker just rushed his four-year-old son to the Emergency Room. Last Friday his son was in surgery. The Surgery was more complicated than expected and now his son, Trace Johnson, is suffering serious complications from the surgery. Whenever my co-worker called me, just moments ago, I could hear Trace in the background crying. My heart is breaking and I know that this family needs our prayers. Thank you so much for joining with me before HIS THRONE. Karyn Franquez

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Soda Gone Flat?

Don't throw it out because the fizz is gone. Instead, pour it into ice cube trays and freeze. Pop into your new soda to chill, so the cubes won't dilute it.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When Using Night Light Bulbs

If you buy 4-watt bulbs with a clear finish instead of 7-watt ones, they will be just about as bright, and best of all, will use almost half the energy. Every little bit of conserving will help save on your electric bill.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Use For Onions
It's easy to get your indoor grill sparkling with the cut side of an onion! Simply stick a fork in one end and rub the onion on the still-warm grate. It contains chemicals that scrub off stuck-on bits.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Sunday School teacher asked her little children, as they were on the way to church service, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?"

One bright little girl replied, "Because people are sleeping."

Friday, February 13, 2009


Please pray for God's blessing on our February sponsor, the employer of Melody Interlicchia, who made the newsletter possible:

Allergy Partners, P.A. 828-277-1300


This cute craft is a magnetic bookmark courtesy of Sharon Canter. Very simple and makes a great gift for someone that reads a lot. For the pattern and more information contact Mary Dotson or Sharon Canter.
Tithing and still in debt?
Tithing is only one part of God’s financial plan. Try these resources to learn more about His plan.
Acronym for Debt
D oing
E verything
B ut
T ithing

The Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt, when little Jason interrupted, "My Mummy looked back once, while she was driving," he announced triumphantly, "and she turned into a telephone pole!"


Wow! God, is so awesome! I feel so blessed, to share this with you. We have prayed several years for family members to be saved. Sometimes, you feel as though your prayers are never going to be answered, but that's what the enemy wants us to believe. The adversary, tells you to give up & give in! Oh, but that's when the Holy Spirit says persevere! You, may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. We are the Army of the Lord. Never give up!

With continued faithful prayer, our family members were getting saved. Three family members within one month's time, another family member within that same year. This past Christmas, we were blessed with another saved family member. PRAISE GOD! (And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. 1John 5:14-15)

We will continue to persevere for lost souls. Remember, the Victory is ours! ("But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1Corinthians 15:57)

If this is something you have been praying for, but have not seen anything change, my prayer for you is to TRUST the GOD of our SALVATION with continued faithful prayer. (The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16)

Contributed by Heather Balken

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

FOCUSFebruary’s Featured TOF Woman

Laura and her husband Bud hail from Charleston, SC and moved to East Asheville when Bud’s employer transferred him. However, they were not strangers to this area. Bud’s family is originally from Fairview.
They have three daughters all graduates of Reynolds High and four grandchildren. When Bud’s parents passed away, they re-located to the family “homeplace” in Fairview. They were active in Beverly Hills Baptist and Laura admits it was hard to leave, but felt it was important to be involved in a local Church. In October 2006, they found Trinity of Fairview and have been blessing TOF ever since.
While homemaking was her career, she had a few jobs outside the home including teaching and working for 211 Information & Referral Service were, as she puts it, “I got to tell people where to go!” She enjoys fishing, the beach, reading, Beth Moore Bible Studies and gardening.
Volunteering at Church was a way for her to make new friends. She recommends this approach to women who want to get connected. Presently, she is the Leadership Coordinator for the Women’s Team which is hosting the upcoming Birthday Bash. Laura’s desire is for all TOF women to become active team members. There is a place for everyone. Let her know if you would like to join.