Friday, March 27, 2009


Please enter your Prayer Requests in the comment section (see below) and they will be sent out to the "Prayer Chain".


  1. This a prayer request from a dear friend of mine. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers: My son was in a motorcycle wreck yesterday. I think he's fine, but he's in a hospital in Hickory and I can't see him. He was in surgery last night for 4 hours. He broke his wrist and shattered his hand. He had a collision with another rider (dirt bikes in the woods), and he's in the hospital in Charlotte. All we know at this point is he's on a ventilator, but his eyes are responding to light, so we're praying there's no brain damage. He's only 14! I ask all my friends to please pray for Michael's fast healing, but most of all, please pray for Tyler to heal and pray for his family. Thank you, Terri

    Thank you, Mary Ruby

  2. Prayer request from a friend Carrie Adams follows: A Mary Kay team member & friend of mine from my church has battled cancer for the past several years. She's had a reoccurrence, where seven brain tumors were discovered. She's recently been through radiation, and the doctors estimate that she has six months. Some of you may know her from singing in the choir at BBC, or from our local Mary Kay meetings, Patty Foster.

    Please pray for this sweet, sweet, joyful lady. She has no blood family nearby & depends on local church friends to help during times when she's physically challenged. She would do anything for anyone & needs our prayers!!!! She does have a relationship with our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ! Yeah! Praise God!

    If you know her, or would like to encourage her, please send a card to:

    Patty Foster
    17 English Pl
    Candler, NC 28715

    Thank you for lifting her up!!!

    Thank you, Mary Ruby

  3. Update on the accident pray request: Just heard from my daughter-in-law and she's on her way home with Michael. He's in pretty bad shape as far as pain and nausea. He wouldn't even talk to me he feels so bad. They've given him everything for pain, but it's just really bad. We also heard that Tyler has been taken off the ventilator and is moving around a bit. They don't want him to move too much. This is a good sign! Just keep everyone in your prayers! I appreciate all of you for caring.

  4. Please pray for God's guidance for me to know how He wants me to get money for living. Should I get a benefitted paycheck job or work various part-time jobs or start a business (should I go into debt to start the business?) or just wait for manna to drop from Heaven (so far no manna droppings). Your paryers are appreciated! Laura Weeks

  5. I have a prayer request: Shelley's pastor, Donald Shields in Wilmington is having a heart catherization on Friday. Shelley asked us to pray, and I hope many others will too.
