Woman to Woman
Sometimes a woman just needs another woman to talk to. Someone who understands exactly how she feels, who will let her carry on and vent until it is all out of her system…someone who solves problems and promotes healing just by listening; by being there. And, it certainly doesn’t hurt if that woman has a “been there, done that” T-Shirt. A woman like that really understands!
When Gabriel told Mary about her pending miraculous conception, he included a juicy little tidbit of information, “Your elderly relative is six months pregnant! You know, the one that has been barren all her life, Elizabeth.”
We can speculate all kinds of reasons why Gabriel told Mary this news. Just maybe one of those reasons was that he knew Mary would need a support system. Elizabeth would believe Mary’s story about her pregnancy because of her own miraculous pregnancy.
Mary immediately took a road trip to visit Elizabeth and stayed with her until Elizabeth gave birth. Who can measure the amount of courage, faith and emotional support Mary received from Elizabeth? All of this “woman to woman” connecting gave Mary the fortitude she needed to go back home and face the inevitable. Mary and Elizabeth connected and encouraged each other. Mary arose and sought out a woman who would understand her situation; a woman who was like-minded.
Trinity of Fairview is full of like-minded women. Women who are truly seeking God. Women who “have pasts.” Women who have “been there, done that.” Women who are presently in need and those who have come out on the other side intact.
We need each other and we all have something to offer. Sometimes it is just a matter of getting connected. Hopefully, this newsletter will be one of the agents of connection like Gabriel was for Mary and Elizabeth. Connections is by, for and about the women of Trinity of Fairview. Come on! Be a part! Let’s get connected and be encouraged!
by Laura Weeks
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